Did you know your work health insurance is only sickness insurance?
Why don't you try real healthcare?

Simply "feeling fine" doesn't mean you are • Cell Nutrition is far more than food • There's no "magic bullets" to health

Don't wait until you become sick! There's tons of sub-clinical symptoms we all possess.

It's not a "conspiracy" nor is it "homeopathy" or "quackery." Poor cellular nutrition is responsible for virtually all dis-eases but also sub-clinical ones like aging faster including grey hair, cloudy thinking, bad decisions, label health conditions such as diabetes, cancer, and many more. Lots of people neglect their health until it's too late. Here we strive to solve & prevent health problems in the first few visits -- unlike other modalities that have you coming back -- using individualized evidence-based systems science.

We Facilitate Results With Your Efforts

Discover Hidden Problems

Did you know most contributing factors to health such as hidden allergies and intolerances aren't addressed in a 10 mintue MD office visit? In 1925 European allergists influenced their American colleagues to redefine ''allergy" in the context of antibodies and antigens, effectively excluding hypersensitivity on any other basis.

No Guessing Or Quackery

Your health isn't a guessing game based on trivial information often found online. Many are confused (I was also!) and it's mostly celebrity Doctors pushing singular, fad concepts without mentioning you need individualized assessments based on established systems science.

No Expensive Testing

Unlike other providers we don't implement expensive testing. We use cellular nutritional symptomatology, hair tissue mineral analysis and others that don't require expensive, limited blood and tissue testing.

Nutrition isn't food!

Learn the big difference between diet and cellular nutrition. Unlike others calling themselves "nutritionists" we analyze the terrain of your body using evidence-based methods such as comparing readings to healthier populations -- but there's way more to this!

Vibrant Mind & Body

Your head is attached to your body, so why do specialists such as psychiatrists separate them and only give drugs for the mind with massive side effects? Here we view the body as a whole and correct cellular, organ and lifestyle imbalances to restore and increase brain function.

No Endless Labels & Visits

With proper cellular nutritional analysis you'll likely find much less trips to dentists, psychologists, optometrists, specialists. Why? because when you address the root causes you don't need specialists.

No "Band-Aid" Concepts

We don't offer "magic" fad diets, singular supplements that many practitioners and even MDs provide. You actually have to put in the work with the personalized plans from the advanced, inexpensive testing we provide.

Discover Future Problems

We can help you discover potential health problems with our analyses by identifying elemental downstream imbalances that stem mainly from cellular nutritional problems along with organ dysfunction and many others.

Optimal Health Biomarkers

Discover optimal health compared to the "sick care" you get at well-meaning Doctors' offices and hospitals when you mainly only attend when you become sick with the consequence huge expenses in time, emotions and societal breakdown.

Isn't This All Some Kind Of "Quackery?"

Food is not just about nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. It also provides information that can impact our physiology in a positive way. This impact can even change how our genes function and whether or not our DNA is expressed influenced by the epi-genome. By choosing to address our cellular nutritional status (this partly encompasses "diet"), we have the power to improve our health. While it may not happen overnight, it can happen quickly. Changes in our gut microbiome can be seen in just a few days. The epigenome is influenced mostly by what goes into our mouths and thus our genetic expression and tendency to dis-ease.

Surgery & drugs are viewed as a last resort, as we know that the body is intelligent and simply needs our assistance in correcting cellular dysfunction just like a botanist does for a plant. Our challenge in this field is dealing with highly skeptical patients who are confused on the differences between all the modalities they see online. As practitioners, we expect our patients to take an active role in improving their own health. However, in cases of severe injury or trauma, medical doctors are necessary as the acute model is their primary function.



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Still Not Convinced?

Avoid Being A Statistic!

More than 50% of Canadians aged 20 and older, around 51.6%, suffer from one or more chronic illnesses. These long-lasting conditions greatly affect individuals and society, impacting their social and economic welfare. The healthcare expenses linked to these diseases are a massive $68 billion, with productivity losses totaling an astonishing $122 billion.


Through this assessment, we can detect nutrient imbalances and toxicity effects. Our approach, based on systems biology and biochemistry, helps prevent and treat diseases caused by cellular nutritional deficiencies, which can lead to cellular dysfunction and illness. This method is rooted in ortho-molecular medicine, developed by a research team in Saskatchewan, Canada, since the 1950s.


Our approach is centered around the evidence that rectifying cellular nutritional deficiencies at the cellular level can greatly enhance cellular function and consequently, overall well-being. By fostering collaboration between conventional and functional medicine (and there are many terms for this), we encourage open communication between practitioners from both disciplines.

Stay Well; Not Sub-Optimal

Ancient Chinese people paid doctors in advance to stay healthy. If someone got sick, payments stopped until the doctor cured them. This method is the opposite of Western medicine. “The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition." -- Thomas Edison

Results Demonstrated

Within just 3 months, 73% of our customers saw their nutrient deficiencies completely resolved. When you balance your biochemistry your body starts to heal weak cellular systems, organs and many others. This leads to the prevention of and healing of illness of all sorts.

How I'm Much Different

Nutritional Consultants have unique educational training compared to Dieticians. The former focus on nutrition and preventive healthcare, with specialized knowledge in medical sciences like anatomy, biochemistry, and physiology. Their emphasis is on promoting health and longevity, helping individuals stay healthy and disease-free without diagnosing or treating illnesses.
Informative Videos

Watch these amazing videos showing the power of individualized holistic or systems cellular nutritional assessments and therapies based on ortho-molecular medicine.

Terrain vs germ model

I used to think nutrition was trivial, only food & magical supplements

.. and this was mainly because of the ignorance & confusion of the people around me. The reality is the germ theory ("modern medicine") emphasizes the significance of germs and finding ways to get rid of them. In contrast, the terrain model (systems biology) suggests that if our bodies are healthy and balanced, our immune system can handle the germs in our environment without causing harm.

Recognizing the significance of both theories is crucial. Our cells are weakened by poor soil quality and the presence of harmful substances in our food, air, and water. Combining daily stressors, unhealthy diets, fast food, radiation, and EMFs highlights the need for pharmaceuticals to combat invading microbes when our malnourished, toxic cells inevitably failed to stop them. While precautions against illnesses like COVID-19 are important, focusing on improving the body's internal environment to repel viruses and parasites is even more critical. This lifelong, individualized process will yield noticeable benefits in a shorter time, making you more resilient to common illnesses as well as cellular aging. "Cellular nutritional balancing and development" not only enhances physical and mental health but also boosts your cognitive abilities. Constantly triggering the "flight or fight" response rapdily depletes essential cellular elements.

"I Trust The Science"

You've probably heard many people say this over the years. What if you asked them "which science?" The reason you would ask them this is because there are 2 main types of science: reductionism and systems science. Reductionism is the reduction of systems to component parts for study, and this leads to only singular treatments such as surgeries, prescriptions, but not explaining why the whole system caused the problems. Fortunately systems science is making a come back.

Isn't All This Individualized Help Expensive?

Compared to what? Your "free" govern-ment MD? You won't get this kind of help from an MD that's for sure and for most cases you will see a big improvement for the worth of a few months' of prescription drug costs that do not fix anything.

Where's The Proof This Works?

The proof is viewing what a botanist does to help plants keep well, stay well, or treat them with native substances so they can naturally heal with little to no drugs. Those who say otherwise are probably being paid to dissuade you from getting real help.

Isn't This All About Food & Supplements?

We need to get out of viewing ourselves like consumer products and realize we are living beings like plants. The ideal is not to be having a label dis-ease because by then it's much more costly in many ways to rectify an illness. If you are "sick" we use testing, observations and questions to determine exactly what the root causes of your illnesses much like a botanist would do for a plant. We determine what your body needs and at what amounts and also finding out what your body doesn't need and try to replace toxins with native substances to the body.

What's The Difference Between What You Do & Other Practitioners?

There are many modalities in this field including dietitians, naturopaths, nutritionists, and many others. These different modalities really confused me and they probably confuse you as well!

"But You're Not A Doctor!"

Yes that's correct, but they only on average receive 6 to 7 hours of cellular nutritional training & but nutrition isn't anywhere near being only food. It's about analyzing the entire cellular structure of the human body before you "get sick" and this can't be done in a acute-based 10 minute office visit or only a test of blood that tests virtually nothing.
case study person

Found many problems & resolved them

Dave helped me unlike other practitioners including MDs. He looked deep into my situation and found multiple problems such as low B3, toxins like aluminum, mercury and others in my body I didn't even know I had. He set me up with a few programs and I follow up with him 2 to 3 times per year for maintenance. He also did this very cost effectively.
David Sylvestre
david sylvestre
Dave helped me significantly with my health. I didn't even know many things he told me about my health which are helping me prevent future deterioration. He referred me to Medical Doctors so he isn't against what they offer, but he realizes they aren't allowed to dig deeper in a 10 minute office visit. This is certainly not "wishy washy essential oil" type thing, although those help after addressing biochemistry because we can't forget that we are mainly food recycling machines on a mechanistic level.
Jennifer D.
jennifer d
I was a regular at my MD office for yearly physicals and I he said there was nothing wrong. I first came to Dave from the recommendation of a friend who said I should see what he says. I've never had any health problems and I felt fine at this point. However, when I went to see Dave he ran a series of examinations using his test and I followed his recommendations. After the first appointment I started feeling better than I ever had in years and I didn't think anything was wrong! I highly recommend what he's doing to others who are skeptical as I was.

Life Transformed

I was totally amazed at how he was able to assist me transform my life. What he does is nothing like I thought. He analyzed my whole being and made recommendations.

A Minority Of Medical Doctors Practice It To A Limited Degree

This was my un-official mentor, Dr. Tom Barnard who was a practicing OHIP-funded Medical doctor in Windsor, Ontario. He was an ortho-molecular medical doctor who often bypassed the medical bureaucracy and hence the endless specialists. He often solved the problems his patients were experiencing in the first few visits -- often without drugs -- and that's a big reason he had over 30,000 patients compared to the regular "pill popping" medical doctor had only about 1,500. More importantly he appeared regularly on media outlets promoting systems biology health prevention rather than only visiting medical practitioners when manifesting sickness.
dr tom barnard

Cellular Nutritional Imbalances Are Real

Nutrient deficiencies can present in various ways. For instance, magnesium deficiency may not show any clinical symptoms, but it can still impact bone density. On the other hand, subtle symptoms like bone pain and fatigue may indicate a deficiency. In more severe cases, acute symptoms such as bone fractures can occur. It's crucial to address these deficiencies early on, as subclinical deficiencies can progress to critical levels if left untreated. Our assessments can help identify nutrient imbalances, even when symptoms are subtle, ensuring early intervention and prevention of more severe issues down the line.

Male Health



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Ready for root-cause health help? "but you're not a doctor" you probably think - Read more!

Free Consultation

Free 30 Minute Phone Call
  • Explore your health goals
  • Dave offers helpful tips and explains what he does to help you
  • Explore plans and features.
  • You won't find this in-depth level of care at a typical "conventional" Medical Doctor's office.

Initial Consultation

Includes 1 hour phone call


  • Uncover cellular nutritional imbalances & likely potential future health conditions.
  • Testing includes examination of your historical MD Doctor tests, new hair mineral analysis, symptomatology questionnaires and many more combined into a systems (holistic) analysis.
  • More past information, such as blood and tissue tests, may be required.

Follow-up Consultation

Includes 1 hour phone call & Email Support


  • Dave delivers actionable health goals to complete
  • Dave discusses results of the testing and other observations
  • Further appointments are made
  • Dave offers other testing, if required, to be completed by client.
dave's photo

About Dave's OptiCellDaily.com

After facing numerous health issues within his family and personal life, Dave embarked on a journey to discover the most effective way to assess true cellular health, steering clear of the exaggerated claims and pseudo-science often associated with "holistic" marketing. Through extensive research, he unveiled a scientific and evidence-based approach to health and nutrition, which he has not only applied to his own well-being but also to the numerous clients he serves. Dave, an enthusiast of body chemistry, eagerly awaits the arrival of individualized assessment results for cellular nutritional analysis, each as unique as a fingerprint. By deciphering symptomatology and clinical lab test results, Dave eliminates the uncertainty of achieving optimal health and well-being. He tailors cellular nutrition to suit individual needs, personality, and lifestyle, aiming to define what health truly means to you and guiding you along the path to attaining it.

confused man

Still Not Convinced?

Still not convinced what we can offer you? Just think about it: you mainly only attend your MD office when you become sick. Do they tell you what you should be consuming or ridding your body of for your individual lifestyle and unique body chemistry?
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Free health assessments offered

For a limited time we're offering a free cellular nutritional assessment (usually worth $50) for prevention and support of attempts to reverse health conditions. Contact us below for more information! Book your free assessment now! Also sign up for free email newsletter below